broom // duster // dish brush // microfiber mop // dustpan
Now that you’ve committed to getting your place in order and have gone through the editing process, keeping only your most loved and frequently used items, your space should be a blank slate. This is the perfect opportunity to do some deep cleaning, really get in there and make that sh*t sparkle!
I recently gave my cleaning tools a serious upgrade with this pretty collection by Full Circle from The Container Store. I also like using these microfiber cloths with Everspring all-purpose cleaner, but you can also just make your own non-toxic cleaner at home:
diy non-toxic cleaner recipe
+ 1/2 cup vinegar
+ 2 cups water
+ 1 teaspoon Castile soap
+ 20 drops of essential oil
Mix ingredients and pour into a spray bottle, shake well, use to spray any surface, wipe clean with a cloth.
Next go ahead and open all of your windows allowing as much sunlight in as possible, feel the fresh air move freely through your space. When it comes to deep cleaning, there really is no right or wrong way to do it, but I usually start at the top and work my way down.
deep clean checklist
+ Dust surfaces, including hard to reach areas like ceiling fans and top shelves
+ Shake out rugs, wash them if possible, along with sheets, towels, curtains, and throws
+ Wash windows inside and out
+ Wipe down woodwork, walls, and doorknobs
+ Sweep, vacuum, mop the floors, getting under rugs and furniture
+ Light a candle or switch on a diffuser for full effect
Once finished deep cleaning, I like to let the space air out for a little bit. So give yourself a break and get ready for the next step to reviving your home. Stay tuned!