spa night in checklist

One of my main goals for both clients and myself is to create personal sanctuaries at home. Even if you have a very average bathroom, we can easily create a spa-inspired experience.

All you really need is an hour or two of ME time marked on your calendar. Below are more tips to get your glow on:

1. Leave your phone in the other room
2. Stock freshly washed towels, still warm from the dryer
3. Run a hot bath, add epsom salts and a few drops of essential oil
4. Try a dry body brush before stepping in
5. Apply a clay mask
6. Have your robe waiting for you
7. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize
8. Be sure to drink tons of water
9. Climb into bed immediately after 

Sweet dreams, mama!! Reach out if you’re ready to bring your unique sanctuary to life.