nicole franzen


Here you see the lovely work of Brooklyn-based photographer, Nicole Franzen. I am always in awe of the wildly gorgeous images she posts on her blog, La Buena Vida, but the collection in which she calls ‘Creatives‘ is especially inspiring to me.


From painting to pottery, these photos invite you to poke around the studios of amazingly skilled artists. Even catching a few in action. They look so at ease, peaceful and focused. I don’t think anything could be more motivating than seeing someone so clearly content and involved in their work. I also love the idea of how these spaces are constantly changing with new projects always in progress. A new splatter here, another splash there. The raw beauty of creativity in it’s most natural form.

It’s the way Nicole sees the world and how easily she captures moments in the richest color. She has the gift of telling stories that we can all relate to with her photographs. Interpretations may vary, but nobody would ever dispute that she is one talented artist herself. Self-taught even!

Check out Nicole’s bio and her extensive portfolio of food photography along with an impressive list of clients.